Tuesday 21 August 2007

Plodding on

Nearly through the summer holidays and although I love spending so much time with my daughter I feel like my brain is turning to mush!
I cant wait to get back to university and start using my brain again. Mind you, saying that, I have loads to do ready for my dissertation but my enthusiam is vanishing rapidly. I have stacks of reading but I always try and find other things to do!

I have rediscovered the playstation 2 and Harry Potter, the trouble is I feel like I should finish it asap!! I keep getting stuck, I think I am getting too old for gaming, either that or I am too normal!

So now I feel like I am wading through mud getting towards a really busy time and I know I should be doing something to easy the rush! My daughter starts school in september, she loves nursery and I know she will be just fine but I want to get her started and settled. She is also starting swimming lessons in septmeber, which I know she will love too! Onwards and upwards!

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