Friday 10 August 2007

Its friday

Its friday, my favorite day of the week.
We are going away to visit the in-laws for a few days this weekend. I'm looking forward to it but I need to do the ironing and packing (left it to the last minute as usual!)

I managed to do a bit of scrapping yesterday but still have two classes I want to do, unfortunatley, cant find where they have been moved to on the website!

Need to make a start on my dissertation for next year. I really wanted to make a big dent in the research before I went back in october. Havent really done much yet, other things keep cropping up that seem more tempting! I didnt want to get to that panicky stage where you are up till all hours trying to read everything! I was talking to a student last year who was doing her dissertation, she had collected the data and the report was due in the following week but she hadnt even decided how to analyse the results!! sometimes I wonder how some people pass.
I work so hard and put in loads of effort to get this far and some stumble their way through and still manage just fine, its very frustrating!!!

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